Senior Pastor
Joel Eastwood is a born and raised “Maritimer” being born in Liverpool, NS and raised in Saint John, NB. He placed His faith in Jesus Christ for salvation at an early age through the testimony of godly parents and faithful preachers and teachers of the gospel.
He felt the call of God to full time service as a young boy and pursued his training at Emmanuel Baptist Bible Institute, graduating with a diploma of Bible and Ministry in the spring of ’09. He then went on to complete his Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary in the spring of 2011 and is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree from Maranatha Baptist Seminary.
He was privileged to pastor for 6 years at Bethany Independent Baptist Church in Little Lepreau, NB before accepting the call to come to Moncton to serve at Emmanuel Baptist Church as Administrator of EBBI and Assistant Pastor and now Senior Pastor. He is blessed to serve alongside of his precious wife Tara along with their 6 children.
His passion is to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and see people’s lives changed as they place their faith in Jesus and walk with Him. He looks forward to meeting you in person!
French Ministry Missionary
Jonathan Teachout was born in Congo (DRC) to missionary parents. When Jonathan was two years old, his family moved to the Central African Republic (CAR), where Jonathan grew up, the youngest of three boys. At the age of four he understood his need for forgiveness of sin and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Jonathan grew in his love for the Lord, and as he watched his parents’ example and got involved in their ministry, the Lord gave him a growing love for the people and the ministry, impressing upon him His calling into full time missionary service. Upon finishing high school, he attended Piedmont Bible College, where he studied Bible and Music Education in preparation for returning to the CAR for missionary service. He arrived in the CAR in 1997, where he served as a single third generation missionary for his first term. In 2001 Jonathan married Cherith, a childhood friend who had also been raised in the CAR with missionary parents. The next few years included serving together in CAR, facing political unrest and evacuation, further French language studies in France and more time serving in CAR. The Lord closed the door for continued ministry in CAR in 2006 and led them France where they served in Reims (2007-2011) and Bordeaux (2012-2020) in church planting and Bible school ministries. In 2021, the Lord brought the Teachout family to Moncton to partner with EBC to help begin a French ministry and to help at EBBI. The Teachouts have three children: a daughter in college and two boys living at home. They are delighted with the opportunity to serve the Lord in bilingual Moncton at the heart of beautiful New Brunswick.

Assistant Pastor
David Freeman was raised in Salisbury NB. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Education in his post secondary school. While in his early twenties he had a strong pull to read the Bible. After reading the Old Testament he realized he, like all mankind, was a sinner, that sin must be punished, and sadly separation from God. When he read the New Testament he was overwhelmed to know that Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of the whole world. He trusted Jesus as the one and only way for forgiveness of sins and to have a relationship with Christ. Shortly after getting saved, he joined a Bible preaching church, was baptized and became a student at EBBI. He is currently working towards his Masters from Maranatha Baptist University.
David taught in the public school for several years before working at an insurance company. He accepted the role as administrator at EBBI in the summer of 2018. David accepted the call to ministry earlier this year and has continued to minister as a pastor here at Emmanuel Baptist Church.
David's passion is discipling believers and sharing the gospel with the lost.
William Steeves
EBBI Administrator
I was saved at a young age, and I surrendered to God’s call to preach shortly following. As I grew up, I drifted from that call, and pursued a BSc degree in filmmaking at BJU. Shortly after graduation, though, it became clear to me through counsel and the study of the Scriptures that God still wanted me for His service. 2 Timothy 2:1-2 was a sharp reminder of the divine command. With that, I recommitted my life to the pursuit of the gospel ministry.
God has given me many ministry opportunities in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, but I am excited to now follow His calling here at EBBI. It is an exciting privilege to work with both Pastor Eastwood and Pastor Freeman, and I look forward to pursuing the exaltation of the Saviour in all we do here at EBBI.